I learnt that VOJ comes from the accuser whom we refer to as the devil.We have to learn to silence that voice which keeps telling us we are not good enough.Simply recognizing the voice,we have broken the spell of self-hatred and self-contempt.We should remember that every new day we see,is yet another opportunity to right our wrongs and be better.
I am not perfect,you are not perfect and no man is above mistakes!Only, we have to be willing to listen to instructions,being careful not to make the same mistakes we did in the time past.
No matter what is happening to you,self acceptance is the key to inner peace.Forgive yourself and move on with your life,leaving behind anything that will kill your joy.Be honest with yourself,we can't change certain things about ourselves,like our parents,our heights,our origin,all the injustices around you.The only thing we are capable of changing is how we let these circumstances define us or how we think about them.Do we take them as obstacles,challenges or sources of victory?
Don't hate or beat yourself up,the fact that you recognize your wrongdoings and you're feeling remorseful is enough.Dust yourself up and aim at making a better record.
Discover your VIP(voice of inspiration and praise) and get used to it.Reject the VOP and build the VIP.God help us all!!!