while you are in this world,
care less,
ignore trivial matters,
And live your life!!!!!!!!

fire brand#inspirational#something to remember#iuse#one#hand#to#help#myself,the#other#to#help#others
Forgiving yourself is the only way you can move forward with your life!i know it either sounds like what heard a couple of times.yeah,it did like that to me,until one day I forgave myself and only then was I able to move on without a care in the world! I used to beat myself so hard whenever people close to me shut me out of their lives,I tried so hard to pave a way into their lives but I could not.Then I will ask myself this question,what did I do that was so bad that cannot be forgiven? Each time I ask them if I had done anything wrong,the reply I usually get was nothing but the most unsettling thing was the fact that despite their responses,their attitude towards me did not change,and this used to take me off my rockers! This bothered me for a while and I was not able to move on and be happy all through,was scared of ending up alone with no friends so I struggled and struggled but all efforts proved abortive. In my struggle to being free,I went through it the wrong way and that was trying to do me but in other people's way.then I realized the fact that its possible I had made mistakes,hurt people as well,also above everything I was not perfect and so is everyone,I forgave myself for everything I had done knowingly and unknowingly ,even when others didn't,I did and I know God forgave me too! It was in that moment I realized real peace,went out dealt with these people with so much peace and happiness,moved on without worrying about what others were thinking. This was only possible because I forgave myself,you too can do it! Life is a mess,we are only humans,sometimes we make mistakes,but we cannot continue to punish or torture ourselves because of others,you need to forgive yourself so you can move on! Well I hope I touched someone's life with these words tonight.thanks for reading!